Northstar Newfoundland Club

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Minutes of March Northstar Newfoundland Club Meeting

Christopher Plum
Tue, Apr 11, 2017 2:24 AM

Northstar Newfoundland Club Annual Membership Meeting

March 18, 2017

Owatonna, MN


Ballots were counted for new officers, serving through March 2019.

President:          Ted Mittelstadt

Vice President: Marisela Franco

Secretary:          Tammy Corrow

Treasurer:          Missy Manke

Events and parades were discussed.  There are no pending parades on the
schedule for the next few months.

It was suggested that we have a float instead of just walking in the parade,
but there were no volunteers to build a float.  If anyone is interested, you
can coordinate it with Ted Mittelstadt as he knows the details of what is
allowed in the various parades.

Members continue to be interested in both carting and water workshops;
anyone wanting to take the lead and get something set up will find lots of
people willing to attend and provide some help.

Lori Mo mentioned that she had gone to a dog swimming pool in Mankato that
was a lot of fun.  It can be rented for therapy, training or parties. Lori
can provide the website.  It could be this:

he Paw

1741 Premier Drive, Mankato MN 56001

Phone: 507.625.7070

Fax: 507.625.8643


Sunday:  1:00pm - 4:00pm

Monday - Friday:  6:30am - 5:30pm

Saturday:  8:00am - 4:00pm

LaVonna Brunson said that there is a rally trainer near them in Willmar who
would probably be interested in providing training at a club event if it was
held close to them.  Again, those interested and volunteers should contact

Missy Manke provided the Treasurer's Report:

Expenses:  $3,601.32

            Rescue                                 $1,738

            Banquet                                     749

            Flyers (parade)                        176

            Parade entry fee                      60

            Postage                                        74

            Dog show additional               50

            Show expenses                       759

Income $4493

            Show income                                        618

            Rescue (incl CTMB grant)              3,130



Fourteen members were present.

One new applicant was at the meeting and was voted in at the meeting:

Tim & Penny Vought

14489 Bunker Dr

Waseca, MN 56093


Their dog's name is Debbie

Chris Plum

5452 Kimberly Rd

Minnetonka, MN  55345

Northstar Newfoundland Club Annual Membership Meeting March 18, 2017 Owatonna, MN Minutes. Ballots were counted for new officers, serving through March 2019. President: Ted Mittelstadt Vice President: Marisela Franco Secretary: Tammy Corrow Treasurer: Missy Manke Events and parades were discussed. There are no pending parades on the schedule for the next few months. It was suggested that we have a float instead of just walking in the parade, but there were no volunteers to build a float. If anyone is interested, you can coordinate it with Ted Mittelstadt as he knows the details of what is allowed in the various parades. Members continue to be interested in both carting and water workshops; anyone wanting to take the lead and get something set up will find lots of people willing to attend and provide some help. Lori Mo mentioned that she had gone to a dog swimming pool in Mankato that was a lot of fun. It can be rented for therapy, training or parties. Lori can provide the website. It could be this: he Paw 1741 Premier Drive, Mankato MN 56001 Phone: 507.625.7070 Fax: 507.625.8643 Email: Sunday: 1:00pm - 4:00pm Monday - Friday: 6:30am - 5:30pm Saturday: 8:00am - 4:00pm LaVonna Brunson said that there is a rally trainer near them in Willmar who would probably be interested in providing training at a club event if it was held close to them. Again, those interested and volunteers should contact LaVonna. Missy Manke provided the Treasurer's Report: Expenses: $3,601.32 Rescue $1,738 Banquet 749 Flyers (parade) 176 Parade entry fee 60 Postage 74 Dog show additional 50 Show expenses 759 Income $4493 Show income 618 Rescue (incl CTMB grant) 3,130 Trophy 125 Fourteen members were present. One new applicant was at the meeting and was voted in at the meeting: Tim & Penny Vought 14489 Bunker Dr Waseca, MN 56093 507-835-3128 Their dog's name is Debbie Chris Plum 5452 Kimberly Rd Minnetonka, MN 55345