Northstar Newfoundland Club

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FW: September News From the NCA

Christopher Plum
Wed, Sep 28, 2016 2:07 AM

Chris Plum

5452 Kimberly Rd

Minnetonka, MN  55345

From: Newfoundland Club of America []
Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2016 3:49 PM
Subject: September News From the NCA

NCA e - Notes                                        September 2016

Fall Means Draft Work

Are you getting ready to hitch up your Newf for some hauling through the leaves? Check out this great article by Roger Powell - "Three Secrets About the Draft Test Regulations" to get some great tips for your training regimen.

Newf Tide Submissions

Do you have a rock star Newf? Looking to celebrate those momentous achievements?

Celebrate your Newfoundland and share your great news with the NCA through Newf Tide!

$40 for each Best In Show/RBIS/Group Placement or High in Trial listing includes one photo. Copy to include name of dog with title, sire, dam, sex, breeder, owner, and show date and location. Submit your listings to Annalyn today!

Secretary's Notice

In accordance with ARTICLE IV, SECTION 3(a) of the Newfoundland Club of America Bylaws, the 2016 NCA Nominating Committee has nominated the following slate of members for election to the NCA Board:

Lynne Anderson-Powell,

Steven McAdams,

John O’Neill, Jr.,

Mary L. Price,

Pamela Saunders,

Donna Thibault, Read the complete notice

Estate Planning and Your Newfs

In the event that a pet outlives its owner, family members may find themselves in a predicament as to what to do with the pet or pets. The survivors may not know how to care for exotic pets, if you have them, or may not want to deal with a dog as large as a Newf or several Newfs. If you have family or a friend that is willing to take on a Newf, don't leave it to be dealt with until after the fact. Decide ahead of time where the animal should go and discuss it with that person or persons to avoid surprises after your death. Talk to the breeder of your dogs about taking them back. Read More

Committee Openings

There are many openings for you to get involved and help the NCA! Steering, H&L, Financial Oversight, Recognition and the newly formed Advertising committees will all be looking for additional members. There is also a position open as a purchasing agent to act as a liaison between multiple committees to facilitate ordering and inventory of pins, patches, rosettes and other recognition materials. Contact Lynne Anderson, 2nd VP for more information on all of the positions!

Breaking News...

Due to mechanical issues – beyond anyone’s control - at Newf Tide’s printer, the NCA Recording Secretary’s reporting of the Nominating Committee’s slate occurred after its mandated September 15, 2016 mailing deadline. To comply with AKC’s policy, the NCA Board has extended the deadline for receiving additional candidate petitions to a date on-or-before November 7, 2016. Your NCA Board apologizes for any inconvenience. If you have additional questions concerning the late notice or the petition process, contact the NCA Recording Secretary . Sincerely, Steve Britton NCA Recording Secretary

Backpacking this Autumn

What could be more fun that spending a crisp autumn afternoon hiking through the freshly colored leaves with your Newfoundland at your side? Having that Newf carry along a picnic lunch of course!

Discover the fun and utility of backpacking with your dog with this classic from longtime Newfoundland fancier Alan Riley:

Taking Your Dog Backpacking

Heroic Newfoundland Award

The NCA is seeking nominations for the Heroic Newfoundland Award, to honor a dog who has been instrumental in warning others about potential danger or rescuing someone from danger.

For more information, or to submit a nomination, please contact Ingrid Lyden by October 15.

Good Sportsmanship Award

October 15 is the deadline for the NCA Good Sportsmanship Award given to an NCA member who exemplifies good sportsmanship in all venues and who works diligently on behalf of others and Newfoundlands without concern for personal gain. For more information, or to submit a nomination, please contact Ingrid Lyden.

Last Chance -New Online Member Services to Launch October 2016

With the launch of the NEW online membership portal this fall, your member account information and passwords will be sent to the email address that the NCA has on file for you. If your email address is not up-to-date you will not receive your password and account information for the membership portal.

If your email has changed since the publication of the 2015-2016 directory, please use the address update form on the website to provide your correct email to Mary Lou Cuddy.

Looking for a Breeder? - Contact the NCA Breeder Referral Hotline
call 1-866-NCA-NEWF (1-866-622-6393)

As always, we want to hear from you. Email us at any time with your comments and suggestions. CONTACT US


Looking to add a Newfoundland to Your Life? Have questions about the Breed? Have a new Newf and need help with grooming, training, etc.? Meet and talk to a Newfoundland Ambassador near you! NEWFOUNDLAND AMBASSADORS HUBPAGES EDUCATION CENTER

Got a new puppy? Subscribe to LifeStages our free monthly educational newsletter for puppy families. LIFESTAGES PUPPY NEWSLETTER SHOP iamNCA

Membership Directory App for iPhone DOWNLOAD NOW

Membership Directory App for Android DOWNLOAD NOW NEWFOUNDLAND DOG LIBRARY

Your NCA Board of Directors recognizes the value and prevalence of social networking systems, such as Facebook™, email lists, and blogs.  Members of the Newfoundland Club of America should consider social networking communication as public and, as such, understand that their comments reflect on themselves and the NCA. Members should consider carefully what and how they write and are encouraged to stress positive aspects of education rather than negative or sarcastic comments about owners, breeders, The Newfoundland Club of America and/or Newfoundland fanciers.

Newfoundland Club of America | 8955 Burchell Rd, Gilroy, CA 95020 Unsubscribe Update Profile | About our service provider

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Chris Plum 5452 Kimberly Rd Minnetonka, MN 55345 From: Newfoundland Club of America [] Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2016 3:49 PM To: Subject: September News From the NCA <> <> <> <> <> NCA e - Notes September 2016 <> <> Fall Means Draft Work Are you getting ready to hitch up your Newf for some hauling through the leaves? Check out this great article by Roger Powell - <> "Three Secrets About the Draft Test Regulations" to get some great tips for your training regimen. <> Newf Tide Submissions Do you have a rock star Newf? Looking to celebrate those momentous achievements? Celebrate your Newfoundland and share your great news with the NCA through Newf Tide! $40 for each Best In Show/RBIS/Group Placement or High in Trial listing includes one photo. Copy to include name of dog with title, sire, dam, sex, breeder, owner, and show date and location. <> Submit your listings to Annalyn today! <> Secretary's Notice In accordance with ARTICLE IV, SECTION 3(a) of the Newfoundland Club of America Bylaws, the 2016 NCA Nominating Committee has nominated the following slate of members for election to the NCA Board: Lynne Anderson-Powell, Steven McAdams, John O’Neill, Jr., Mary L. Price, Pamela Saunders, Donna Thibault, <> Read the complete notice <> <> Estate Planning and Your Newfs In the event that a pet outlives its owner, family members may find themselves in a predicament as to what to do with the pet or pets. The survivors may not know how to care for exotic pets, if you have them, or may not want to deal with a dog as large as a Newf or several Newfs. If you have family or a friend that is willing to take on a Newf, don't leave it to be dealt with until after the fact. Decide ahead of time where the animal should go and discuss it with that person or persons to avoid surprises after your death. Talk to the breeder of your dogs about taking them back. <> Read More <> Committee Openings There are many openings for you to get involved and help the NCA! Steering, H&L, Financial Oversight, Recognition and the newly formed Advertising committees will all be looking for additional members. There is also a position open as a purchasing agent to act as a liaison between multiple committees to facilitate ordering and inventory of pins, patches, rosettes and other recognition materials. <> Contact Lynne Anderson, 2nd VP for more information on all of the positions! <> <> Breaking News... Due to mechanical issues – beyond anyone’s control - at Newf Tide’s printer, the NCA Recording Secretary’s reporting of the Nominating Committee’s slate occurred after its mandated September 15, 2016 mailing deadline. To comply with AKC’s policy, the NCA Board has extended the deadline for receiving additional candidate petitions to a date on-or-before November 7, 2016. Your NCA Board apologizes for any inconvenience. If you have additional questions concerning the late notice or the petition process, contact the <> NCA Recording Secretary . Sincerely, Steve Britton NCA Recording Secretary <> <> <> Backpacking this Autumn What could be more fun that spending a crisp autumn afternoon hiking through the freshly colored leaves with your Newfoundland at your side? Having that Newf carry along a picnic lunch of course! Discover the fun and utility of backpacking with your dog with this classic from longtime Newfoundland fancier Alan Riley: Taking Your Dog Backpacking <> Heroic Newfoundland Award The NCA is seeking nominations for the Heroic Newfoundland Award, to honor a dog who has been instrumental in warning others about potential danger or rescuing someone from danger. For more information, or to submit a nomination, please contact <> Ingrid Lyden by October 15. <> Good Sportsmanship Award October 15 is the deadline for the NCA Good Sportsmanship Award given to an NCA member who exemplifies good sportsmanship in all venues and who works diligently on behalf of others and Newfoundlands without concern for personal gain. For more information, or to submit a nomination, please contact <> Ingrid Lyden. Last Chance -New Online Member Services to Launch October 2016 With the launch of the NEW online membership portal this fall, your member account information and passwords will be sent to the email address that the NCA has on file for you. If your email address is not up-to-date you will not receive your password and account information for the membership portal. If your email has changed since the publication of the 2015-2016 directory, please use the address update form on the website to <> provide your correct email to Mary Lou Cuddy. <> Looking for a Breeder? - Contact the NCA Breeder Referral Hotline call 1-866-NCA-NEWF (1-866-622-6393) As always, we want to hear from you. Email us at any time with your comments and suggestions. <> CONTACT US <> <> <> <> <> RESOURCES Looking to add a Newfoundland to Your Life? Have questions about the Breed? Have a new Newf and need help with grooming, training, etc.? Meet and talk to a Newfoundland Ambassador near you! <> NEWFOUNDLAND AMBASSADORS <> HUBPAGES EDUCATION CENTER Got a new puppy? Subscribe to LifeStages our free monthly educational newsletter for puppy families. <> LIFESTAGES PUPPY NEWSLETTER <> SHOP iamNCA Membership Directory App for iPhone <> DOWNLOAD NOW Membership Directory App for Android <> DOWNLOAD NOW <> NEWFOUNDLAND DOG LIBRARY <> Your NCA Board of Directors recognizes the value and prevalence of social networking systems, such as Facebook™, email lists, and blogs. Members of the Newfoundland Club of America should consider social networking communication as public and, as such, understand that their comments reflect on themselves and the NCA. Members should consider carefully what and how they write and are encouraged to stress positive aspects of education rather than negative or sarcastic comments about owners, breeders, The Newfoundland Club of America and/or Newfoundland fanciers. <> <> Newfoundland Club of America | 8955 Burchell Rd, Gilroy, CA 95020 <> Unsubscribe <> Update Profile | <> About our service provider Sent by <> in collaboration with <> <> Try it free today <>