Hi All!
Just a reminder that our Fall Meeting is this Saturday! Pot luck lunch starts at noon, we will have the meeting while we eat. We will have some activities set up for our Newfs to participate in after the meeting.
I am also looking for items to use as brown bag/silent auction items at our Specialty shows the following weekend.
If you have something you would like to donate please let me know, or bring with you this coming weekend.
Also, Northstar has a team set up for the NCA Step Out for Health fundraiser challenge. Please help us raise money for Newf Health research and treatments. The link to for more information and to donate or join is here: Step Out for Health
Also, I am still looking for sponsors for trophies for our specialty. If you would like to sponsor a trophy, please sign up here; 2024 Regional Specialty and mail a check made out to Northstar Newf Club and mail to me.
If you have questions on any of this, please reach out to me.
I look forward to seeing you all this Saturday!
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2024 Regional Specialty
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Step Out for Health
Missy Manke Tickle Bay NewfsPresident/Rescue Chair - Northstar Newfoundland ClubNewfoundland Ambassador - Newfoundland Club of America